Texas Legislative Watch

A conservative information source for Texas Legislative matters & elections

Overseas Endorsements

Posted by Mike O on June 24, 2008

Some interesting people overseas seem to have some perspectives on our upcoming election.  Barack got a pretty clear endorsement from Asia, an expression of concern for his well-being from Africa, and a non-endorsement endorsement from nearer to home.

John McCain picked up one from someone I’m sure John would have appreciated not getting to know so well.

Add all this up and throw in my ‘enthusiasm’ for an open-borders RINO as the GOP nominee and I’ve come up with the bumper sticker for my car:

And of course, someone came up with this recycling of the Seal that Obama just clubbed:

(Great job by Commenter Tennyson at Michelle Malkin’s site)


One Response to “Overseas Endorsements”

  1. Tennyson Hayes said

    Thank you for publishing my photoshop cartoon. I know your blog is small and all but this is how we do it. Chip away, one local sphere of influence at a time. Do the best we can with what we’ve got; such is and has always been the American way.

    You’re doing yeoman’s work here and let me assure you your contributions have not gone unnoticed. Please do keep up the good work.

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